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E+PLC100 is a cleverly designed open PLC platform with integrated control, setpoint programmer and recording in a single, compact instrument. Full PLC functionality is provided by IEC 61131-3 languages within CODESYS IDE for ease of use. For its size, it has an impressive selection of precision I/O, making it ideal for smaller applications.
E+PLC400 is a modular open PLC platform solution which uses CODESYS IEC 61131-3 integrated development environment. Integrated control, setpoint programmer and recording along with scalable base sizes make it ideal for larger machines/processes. All functionality, including visualization, is engineered through the E+PLC single programming environment, for efficient engineering.
For larger process plants, the T2750 PAC (programmable automation controller) provides high performance control in a sophisticated, distributed solution. Modular control units and I/O form a scalable distributed control and recording environment which offers design flexibility in a high integrity solution.
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