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Eurotherm is pleased to announce the release Eurotherm Data Reviewer V2.1.1. This release provides the following key enhancement:
Support for Aveva Reports for Operations (formally Aveva Report 2020 R2)
The release of Data Reviewer V2.1.1 also supports the release of Aveva Reports for Operations, which has been updated with new historical data drivers, allowing reports to be created directly from the Data Reviewer database. Aveva Reports access is supported by creating a user within Data Reviewer and as such the Enterprise license is required. When creating a report in Aveva Reports for Operations the username and password created in Data Reviewer is used to authenticate access to the Data Reviewer database.
Additional enhancements include:
All orders placed after the 14th December 2020 will be shipped with V2.1.1. It can also be downloaded from the Eurotherm website click here. Updates to Eurotherm Data Reviewer will also be deployed via the Schneider Electric Software Upgrade tool (SESU).
Technical support
For Technical Support: to contact us for advice, either by telephone or via email please contact your local Eurotherm Helpdesk.
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