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F&B manufacturers and equipment providers talk about Eurotherm process automation expertise

Eurotherm process control specialists provide efficient, sustainable solutions

Natural resources that support and nurture life are precious and abundant, but not infinite. Not managing them well implies costs, for the economy and the environment. Here’s how Eurotherm and its customers work together to create more sustainable solutions.

Federica Negroni, Eurotherm Marketing Manager for Italy, comments “Eurotherm expertise and technology supports the whole F&B product life cycle by taking a holistic approach, from the design and engineering of new devices, to operation, process optimisation and maintenance. We cover a wide range of F&B processes particularly those that demand special care, sometimes respecting ancient traditions that need delicate temperature and pressure control. The goal is making the product right every time, so there is less waste. Our solutions grow with our customer, often avoiding large capital expenditure at the start of a new plant.”

“For wine producers, controlling the fermentation process is fundamental. This is the only way we can preserve the aromas characterising our unique white wine, ‘Blangé’. Thanks to Eurotherm controllers we can continuously monitor and control temperature and pressure levels, thus dramatically reducing production waste.

“It saves us money and allows us to offer a repeatable high quality product.”

Franca Ratti – Enologist, Ceretto Aziende Vitivinicole S.r.l.


“Thanks to our Eurotherm recorder, all sensitive values are constantly monitored and logged.

“This way we can prove our compliance and consumers can rely on a process that is entirely traceable and safe.”

Barbara Troia – Quality & Marketing Manager, Cerealterra S.r.l.

“Here at Igor, the ageing of Gorgonzola occurs in environments that replicate ancient caves. Controlling temperature and humidity is of primary importance.

“Eurotherm controllers ensure these values remain constant, allowing us to produce a uniform quality gorgonzola. It is one that is recognised and appreciated throughout the world.”

Fabio Leonardi – CEO Igor S.r.l.

Flavours unique to Italy

Italy is a ‘foodies’ paradise with flavours that resonate with history and are as individual as the unique pockets of countryside found from region to region. One of these sumptuous finds is Bodrato Cioccolato, in Piedmont, where chocolate has been made since around 1585, introduced by the Spanish colonies that settled here.

“The production of chocolate is divided into two phases, conching, during which the product is worked in its liquid state, and tempering, during which it is cooled and solidified. In both stages it is necessary to control temperature, but we also record and archive the data so we can monitor what happened in the process.

“These features are what Eurotherm provide us with and it is the only way you can get a fine chocolate without wasting the time and costs associated with reworking and scrapping product.”

Fabio Bergaglio Owner, Bodrato Cioccolato S.r.l.

Eurotherm partnership success

Eurotherm often work in collaboration with equipment manufacturers providing control and automation solutions and expertise to companies such as Panini S.r.l. for cheese production machinery, and Green Engineering S.r.l. for distillery plant equipment.

“Distilling is an art, based on an exact science.

“In collaboration with Eurotherm we have created an alliance capable of developing state of the art automation and control systems for distilleries around the world, large and small, such as the Boann Distillery in Ireland and the South Western Distillery in Cornwall.”

Eugenio Macchia – Vice President, Green Engineering S.r.l.

“We are artisans of spirits, we handcraft gin and pastis in the traditional way here in Cornwall.

“Our processes require a harmonious balance of precision and flair to produce spirits that are truly exceptional. Eurotherm solutions help us to do this.”

Tarquin Leadbetter – Owner, South Western Distillery

“Sterilisation is a thermal process which determines the quality and safety of food.

“The partnership with Eurotherm allows us to optimise the thermal process, by controlling temperature and pressure with excellent performance. These solutions are flexible, reliable and configurable to meet any specific need.”

Lorenzo Panini – President, Panini S.r.l.


Our customers want the same as us, simple solutions that are efficient, safe, reliable, and environmentally friendly, so they can focus on their business and make it grow in a sustainable way.

The result is a strong relationship, positive and successful for everyone.

Solutions and services provided

  • Precision temperature control
  • Precision pressure control
  • Secure data recording and archiving
  • Turnkey control solutions

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